PowerApps- What is that?


Well what is PowerApps?

Is this something like Power+Apps = PowerApps?

At this point of time, we know what’s app is. But how Microsoft emerged PowerApps to give a prodigious blow for the business? I would say Apps in motion with power of data that’s what Microsoft wanted to mean, I don’t know, may be!

Let’s see what’s Microsoft slogan is “Apps that mean business”. Additionally, MS has provided tagline with this “Turn your business expertise into solutions with ease. Give people what they need to drive results”. Continue reading

SharePoint 2010: Binding GridView with multiple list



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To show multiple SPList data in a grid by below code:

SPList cList = spWeb.Lists.TryGetList(“Customer”);
SPList oList = spWeb.Lists.TryGetList(“Order”);

DataTable cTable = cList.Items.GetDataTable();
DataTable oTable = oList.Items.GetDataTable();

var coList = from tbl1 in cTable.AsEnumerable()
join tbl2 in oTable.AsEnumerable() on tbl1[“Title”] equals
select new {
ItemName = tbl2[“Title”],
CustomerName = tbl1[“Title”],
Mobile = tbl1[“MobileNo”]

dgvJoinList.DataSource = coList;

SharePoint REST API: CAML Query




Last week, I was working with SharePoint REST API. In some terms, I need to do some complicated query in a SP list. To do these queries, I prefer CAML. But to use CAML with SharePoint REST API, I have been banging my head against the wall for a couple of days as I was stacked with errors. At last, I got the solution that I wanted.

Continue reading

Boxing changes datatype?


Let’s work with a very simple example in c#. I will not discuss more abut data types in this section [but later] but I will show you inserting thing [really to me]

Int32 i = 100;
object o = null;
o = new object();
System.Console.WriteLine(“The type is:{0}”, i.GetType());    // will print System.Int32
System.Console.WriteLine(“The type is:{0}”, o.GetType());   // will print System.Object
o = i; // Implicit conversion [boxing]
System.Console.WriteLine(“The type is:{0}”, o.GetType());   //will print System.Int32—? but its object  and points to Int32.

As soon as I have assigned the integer to the object the object is of type Int32. So  overcareful when you face this type conversion and work on determining data type. See the output below:
